Library Media Center
Librarian: Ms. Latonney Gregory, M.A.
Education: University of Virginia (UVA) and University of Phoenix (UOP)
- Doctorate Program in Leadership with a Specialization in Educational Technology (Pending)
- Masters in Curriculum and Instruction
- Masters in Adult Education and Training
- Bachelors in Business Information Systems
Postgraduate Professional License and Endorsements:
- Special Education
- Business and Information Technology
- Library Media Specialist
RPS Community and Educational Commitment: 28 years of service.
Our Collection
Our collection includes fiction and non-fiction books: 8,130 total, as well as magazines, comic books, online resources and research databases.
Students may check out two books at a time for two weeks at a time, and can renew these once for an additional two weeks. One or more books must be returned before another book may be obtained.
Library Rules:
- Students must have a pass to visit the library.
- Students be READY to LEARN!
- Students without a pass will be asked to return to class.
- Students will respect other people, personal property, and library property.
- Students and Staff will use the Library for Reading, Research, Quiet Study and Maker Space Activities, etc.
- Students are encouraged to always ask permission before using library items in according with LMBMS Code of Conduct.
WE will enjoy READING and WRITING at LMBMS!